Well, I took my car in for a badly needed oil change. And when I say it was over due THAT is an understatement! It had been over a year. Thank goodness I have a Honda. Anyway, I asked them to check my brakes, because over 2 years ago I was told that I would need some soon. Yeah, took that warning seriously didn't I? So I broke one of the cardinal rules of auto repair -- from a Detroit perspective anyway-- NEVER tell them what you THINK you may need. Not only will you need what you 'thought' was bad or going, but you have now opened yourself up for a host of other 'issues'. I'm not saying that all mechanics in the fine Detroit area are out to rip you off, but there are plenty enough of those kinds that you quickly learn to keep your mouth shut! So, when I told the mechanic that I was 99% certain that I would need new brakes I was shocked to hear upon my return that...my brakes were fine! Seriously, I almost cried because he was soo honest. I went on to ask him, "How will I know when I need a new timing belt?" Crap...another rule broken! He asked how many miles on the car and I honestly answered. Shit, when will I learn to ask the right questions like, "How many miles can I expect to get on a timing belt for my type of car?" Again, the dude was honest and said that I was fine for at least another 20,000 - 30,000 miles. I have died and gone to car repair heaven! The dude has my business for life! So if your in my area and need a car repair I highly recommend Tire King in King City, CA. Now I wouldn't normally say the name of a business, but when someone is sooo honest and doesn't rip me off, I gotta give a shout out.

Thing 2 at the mechanics...they found dog and cat food in my air filter! You see in my last place (I lived there over a year and a half ago...I told you it's been a while since I've had my car looked at. Don't worry, my oil has been changed since then...I think) there was a mouse -- okay, in all actuality there were probably several. but just let me have my delusional fantasy -- that would take dog food from the neighbors (where I shared a garage wall) and hoard it in my garage. The best was one day when my ex and I were cleaning the cupboards in the garage and a fireman's boot he had -- don't worry, he had both boots -- was filled to the rim with dog food. We thought that was the extent...apparently not! Not only was he/she hoarding the food in my air filter, but the food was separated into two compartments. All the dog food was in one compartment and all the cat food was in another compartment. Needless to say, the mechanic and I had a good laugh and then he charged me a 'cleaning fee'.