I used to think that divorce, for me personally, was an embarrassment. I used to look at it as if I had failed. I hate failing. You see, I have this unrealistic expectation of myself in all areas. I am very forgiving and supportive of others, however when it comes to myself I find that I am my own worst critic. I expect nothing but perfection. I've dealt with this at therapy, and let's just say that my therapist -- and I think she was good -- gave up on me on this area and moved on to help me in ways where she could. I think this whole perfection thing is deeply ingrained in me. So while I knew I no longer wanted to be married to PT, I was ashamed of failing. I have since come to terms with it, and have accepted it. I no longer view it as a failure, but a change -- I think that's much healthier. We were together for 15 years. We each grew, just not in compatible ways -- again, that's okay. We have been through the divorce, mentally, and now just need to do the paperwork. At first, we thought we could do it ourselves, but after looking into it, I realized that it was way too much for me to deal with and understand. So, I found a guy in the Yellow Pages. Yes, the Yellow Pages!

Today, I made an appointment for us to see the LDA (Legal Document Assistant). It was a slightly strange experience, but for $450 for his services, who am I to complain? First of all, he has a neon sign in his window! I love neon signs, just not sure I want to do legal business with someone who has them. But I decided he was the right man for the job. I met Pete at the office. It is located in a 'Plaza', with that neon sign. We went into the slightly dilapidated building together -- we arrived within minutes of each other. We followed the directions, and it was like going back in time...to the late 70's early 80's. After navigating our way, we found the office...with a large, wooden 'Divorce' sign hanging in the hallway. We walked in and the office smelled of a freshly showered middle aged man -- I'd say maybe a freshly showered 'Irish Spring' man. The couch and chairs were from the 80's and looked as if the 'cleaning crew' had been let go...a while ago. The guy does it all himself, no secretary -- or room for one! Again, who am I do complain? He explained the process...We fill out paperwork, he goes to the courthouse for us and in about 4 months time we are divorced! Oh and to add to the 80's theme, I think he was wearing a 'Members Only' jacket!

PT and I agreed to get the process started today...it's only been forever since we separated. So I signed some papers today. Wednesday they will be filed with the county and it will all start.

I am feeling pretty good about the whole thing. I feel like I have a spring in my step. Things are moving in the right direction. I am more focused on my work and more optimistic that I have been in ages. 
Why is an independent woman such a bad thing in the minds of so many people? So I finally called my dad -- whom I haven't spoken with in 2 months. We were 'catching up'. Although it was slightly superficial as we each get information about the other from my aunt. At any rate, he said that he had heard that Pt has a girlfriend. I said, "Yes". He asked if she was divorced, no. (Note: on my to do list for 2011 is to get that divorce I've talked about for so long now). Then the question all single women get..."Any men in your life?"
Me: No
Dad: Aw, that's too bad, you're a good catch
Me: (thinking) No shit!
Me: (what I actually said): I know
Dad: You don't want to be alone. That's not good.
Me: Don't put your issues on me, I'm happy.
Dad: (in an angry tone) I'm not putting my issues on you. It could be just you or you with 18 cats, I just don't want to see that happen to you.
Me: I made the choice to be on my own right now. I'm good with it, I'm happy with where I am.
Dad: Okay, I just want you to be happy, that's all I want for you.

Okay, seriously, who in their right fucking mind starts off a conversation with 'you don't want to be alone' who's not putting his/her own issues into play? Why are so many people threatened/weirded out/annoyed WHATEVER with the idea that a woman can actually be happy WITHOUT a man (or woman in some cases) in her life? First of all, it was totally healthy for me to take a break from men. I needed to do things. I don't need someone to 'complete me'. Fucking Jerry McGuire making so many people think that co-dependence is a good thing. NO, I don't need anyone to complete me. News flash, I am complete all on my little own!

So then we move on to another topic, who knows, who cares what it was about. He asked a bunch of questions like, "How much is gas out there?" and then proceeded to talk about M's (his girlfriend) gas mileage. Why ask a question if you just want to talk? So I finally answered his question, then...wait for it...still waiting...yup, long awkward pause....Then...
Dad: I'll let you go
Me: okay
Dad: So what's it? 6:30 out there?
Me: yes
Dad: Okay, we should talk more often
Me: (thinking) No shit! You have a phone too, pick it up and dial sometime.
Me: (actually said) Yeah, I have some things that we need to discuss, but I need to write them down first so I don't sound so angry and pissed off.
Dad: No use in being angry
Me:(thinking) You weren't screwed over by your parents
Me: (actually said) I know, I just need to write it down so I don't ramble.
Dad: okay, bye, I love you

So, some may be wondering...What was with the long pause? Well, my bet is M was urging him to get off the phone. She usually does it a little louder so that I hear. Dear aunt told Dad I was pissed about that and he must have told M, forcing her to go all Silent Bob like.
I hung up still pissed off with the whole 'alone' thing. I then poured myself a glass of wine. Which leads me to my second topic...Families lead many people to drink! Yup, I'm one of them!  And this is one of the many reasons why I moved far away from my family!
Well, I have been told that I have a few followers...woo hoo! Makes me feel like a real writer, so thanks everyone. And apparently there is a new potential follower...my ex's girlfriend. So to her I say, "Hello!" And just for the record, I do mean it in the most sincere way. I am looking forward to meeting her someday and possibly even being friends. She makes him happy, and he certainly deserves to be happy. 

I know a few weeks ago I freaked out over the whole divorce process in California, leading some of you to possibly wonder if I am officially divorced or not: I am not. I call him -- hmm, he needs a name so let's call him PT -- my ex because we have both moved on and it's just the damn paperwork that needs to happen. We have had many heart to heart discussions and I truly feel that we both have learned so much from our time together. 

So one of the things that he has learned, or is at least open to, are new 'things'. Now during our time together -- especially after the house was purchased -- I pushed to get new furniture. You know, the whole new home = new stuff = new beginning. He fought me the whole way -- which was completely frustrating especially given the condition of the old couch. This couch had lived in 2 states, 3 counties and is working towards it's 5th decade! Yes, it WAS time for a new couch...arguably even before it came into my possession. It was my grandmother's. It's not like it was some precious antique, it is just one scary hot mess! Pictures are below. So one of the things that he has 'learned' is that getting some new furniture can be a good thing. Of course hearing him say this made me a little irritated. I mean, haven't I been saying this for years? It wasn't until the new girlfriend urged him to get new stuff for his place that it really sunk in. And this isn't the first time she has said something -- that I said for years on end -- and he listens...to HER!! I sometimes think, "Why wasn't I worth listening to?" PT and I have since talked about it -- one of our heart to hearts. Since it was his reasoning and rationale, I don't feel it is my place to explain his side.
You will notice that it is not only missing half of the fabric -- no clue as to where it went; I think the couch started eating itself -- but it is also brown corduroy. Yup stylish fun!!

Since the old, scary couch was in such bad shape, I bought a slip cover. Yes, I still have the damn couch. Anyone want it? It's FREE! Yup, slip cover is included...Come on, you know you want it.