Yes, I am fully aware of the way I spelled 'tail'. It's a play on words.

So for today's inservice we had people talking to us about Gangs for 3 hours. I was good for the first 2 hours with the Gang Task Force guy. We heard about the beginnings, saw pics of signs, tats and more. The third hour was spent with a Rev. that comes in to towns to help set up interventions. The organization is good, even if a Rev. runs it ;)

The afternoon was spent learning about how to use Promethean Boards (interactive whiteboards). THAT was useful! Learned a lot and thankful that we got some training in it :)

Now, to the tail part of my day. A few months ago, some heartless mofo dropped off a chihuahua in our neighborhood. Fortunately, it's not one of those small, shaky types. It's a hearty chihuahua. A few of us have named it Pepita. Several of us have been feeding it and wanting to catch it. Well, she went into heat a few weeks ago. A neighbor, who let's his dog run around the neighborhood shitting on everyone's lawn, allowed his dog to have at Pepita...several times a she was a $2 whore...and now she's preggers. Not that she was innocent in this whole thing, she was a horny dog who stuck her ass in a male dog's face. Oh, don't think that the male dog's owner didn't know what was going on. One morning she yelped -- no doubt sore from all her rompings -- I ran outside because I thought she was hit by a car. Instead, they were doing the deed. The male dog's owner came out to see what the fuss was about. He saw what his dog was doing, told his son to leave the dogs alone and walked back into the house...NICE! So finally, someone must have called Animal Control. They came out today and set up a trap in my neighbor's driveway. So if we can catch Pepita, I may foster/adopt her. However, if Samson doesn't get along with her, I will try and find another home for her. Samson comes first!
The day began with Samson, the cutest and best dog ever, actually barking at a cat. Good job boy!

Then...I got to hear Ms. Great talk about sentence frames and academic language. Yes, you guessed it, she had to go 100s of miles away to see what she what she could have seen in the district in which she is employed had she bothered to walk into a classroom. If only she took a moment to stop looking down at us and actually looked AT us, she would see that we are doing many right things. Then someone asked her to give an example of the type of sentence frame that impressed her so much. Her response..."Um, Uh..." Then to top off our brief time together she doesn't want to see pg. #s in my lesson plans, I have to write the standard that I will be teaching. Psst, guess what, the page number not only tells me what standard will be taught, but has the lesson as well. So as Ms. Great will not be asking for my lesson plans, I will continue to write the pg. #. Waaay more helpful to me. And if she does ever actually take the time to come into a classroom in our district, and it is mine, and she asks for the standard...I'll refer her to the page!

The rest of the day was spent creating a math pacing guide and mini assessments for ELA. THAT was actually useful. What made it nice was that Ms. I Won't Share Shit With You was out on another assignment. All was peaceful, if you ignored Phlegm Man...Don't ask, it was gross!

Now, off for a final dinner with good friends. I say final because good friends are moving back to Spain, their home. On the bright side...they will be back next year!
Anyone who knows me, knows how sarcastic I can be. I am in rare form today. Something tells me I won't be out of it for a few more days.

Anyone who has ever sat through a boring meeting while your ass falls asleep on a hard steel chair knows how horrible these things can be. On one hand, I get to see people from other sites, share ideas, and catch up on life. On the other hand, I get to hear how great another district is and what they are doing (which is exactly what we do), forced to work with others who think their way is the best and monopolize conversations/directions, and listen to the 'know it alls' tell me how they do things and the programs they use or have made up...without ever offering to share.

I will begin with the morning. I am at a different site then I have been for the last several years, so seeing old friends is always a blessing. Sadly, they give little time to talk to one another before an 'expert' -- who hasn't been in the 'trenches' for years, if ever -- starts blabbing. This one was particularly awful! She couldn't get the powerpoint presentation working so an administrator tried to help. The administrator makes a lot of money doing ... um not sure what she does, but as someone at my table said, "She is her own biggest fan." That pretty much sums her up. Anyway, she got the powerpoint working, but not before Ms. Boring yammered on. Really, if you're going to make a powerpoint, make it interesting. Lists with bullets is a yawner. Seriously, I assure you with powerpoint you can put a jazzy background, interesting entrances, interesting fonts, etc. Then to top it off, Ms. Boring read everything that was on the powerpoint -- because as a teacher I need EVERYTHING read to me!

Then we moved onto some assignment -- not sure what it was, but a friend and I filled out the said paperwork. A piece of paper that Ms. I'm Great (the one who is her own biggest fan) will type up and take credit or will take the papers and no one will ever see them again. I'm guessing no one will ever see them again. Hmmm...maybe a friendly wager could be placed on that one. Anyway, Ms. I Won't Share Shit With You comes over to 'collaborate'. My group accidentally offended her -- yes, it was an accident. So she stomped away and worked alone. While a friend and I did the never to be seen again assignment, two others worked on something useful...A Math pacing guide. We figured, kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Too bad we couldn't throw those stones at people.

Then Ms. Boring and Ms. I'm Great spoke about what they saw in another district...Kids using academic language, kids using higher order thinking skills, etc. All the shit we do, but neither would know that as they don't actually go into our classrooms. THEN, Ms. I'm Great proceeds to explain that if we do a quick assessment at the beginning of the lesson and we find that the students know a concept we don't need to waste our time teaching the lesson. My thought...No shit sherlock. This is the Oprah Ah Ha moment for you? Really? Cuz this didn't occur to any of us? <insert eye roll> Again, if these people ever entered our classes they would see that we do this.

The day ended with Ms. I Won't Share Shit With You talking smack about my peeps to her administrator. <eye roll> Some people need to create drama.
About 1 year ago, I decided that i wasn't the best match for my husband. About 1 year ago, I found out that I was changing school sites -- after 12 years. About 1 year ago, i decided to teach a 2/3 combo class. About 1 year ago, I finally brought my furniture from MI to CA -- where I bought a house. Yup, you guessed it...about 1 year ago! 

So many changes have been occurring, both in my personal and professional life, it was worth talking about. Even if I am the only one reading it.