The day began with Samson, the cutest and best dog ever, actually barking at a cat. Good job boy!

Then...I got to hear Ms. Great talk about sentence frames and academic language. Yes, you guessed it, she had to go 100s of miles away to see what she what she could have seen in the district in which she is employed had she bothered to walk into a classroom. If only she took a moment to stop looking down at us and actually looked AT us, she would see that we are doing many right things. Then someone asked her to give an example of the type of sentence frame that impressed her so much. Her response..."Um, Uh..." Then to top off our brief time together she doesn't want to see pg. #s in my lesson plans, I have to write the standard that I will be teaching. Psst, guess what, the page number not only tells me what standard will be taught, but has the lesson as well. So as Ms. Great will not be asking for my lesson plans, I will continue to write the pg. #. Waaay more helpful to me. And if she does ever actually take the time to come into a classroom in our district, and it is mine, and she asks for the standard...I'll refer her to the page!

The rest of the day was spent creating a math pacing guide and mini assessments for ELA. THAT was actually useful. What made it nice was that Ms. I Won't Share Shit With You was out on another assignment. All was peaceful, if you ignored Phlegm Man...Don't ask, it was gross!

Now, off for a final dinner with good friends. I say final because good friends are moving back to Spain, their home. On the bright side...they will be back next year!

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