Alright, enough's enough! I need to get back on track. I've sort of let many things go the last three weeks or so. I haven't been watching my diet too closely -- although I think I look amazing. That amazing look won't continue if I don't get back on track. I have piles of papers lying around...It seems like I get rid of one pile and three more show up...Frustrating! AND I haven't meditated in forever. That is something I need to do again. I feel a bit off balance. So starting today, I will eat better, clean up those damn piles, and start meditating again. Hopefully, I will find what I did with those divorce papers. Hm, wonder if I actually took the time to put them in a file? I guess we'll find out soon. So I figure it shouldn't take me that long to get back on the right path. It's not like I've been on some alternate path for that long. Best to nip it in the bud!

Over the crappy, rainy weekend, I went to Monterey with A. We walked around the mall. I love that mall. Now anyone who knows me knows that I HATE shopping. Now don't get me wrong, I do! But there is something about that mall I love. One of the best stores there is...The Apple Store (can you see the heavens parting, sun shining down, and hear angles singing? I can). Anyway, went in and gawked at the iPad 2. In true A style she tried to get me to buy it. I had to remind her that I have a hard time buying a pair of jeans if they cost $20. She said that it didn't matter, I was getting a stipend next week and it's a great way to spend that money. I think I may go back in a few weeks and get it. While at the mall we ate at Lalla's -- super cute place by the theater. Then we saw Bridesmaids.  It was funny.

We then came back into town and had dinner with J. Dinner was fine. You never know what you'll get at some places here in town. Someone's idea of a chile relleno was a split chile with a meat sauce over it. Yeah, it should be stuffed with cheese, coated, and fried. Not sure what the cook was thinking. At least the rice and beans were good. And while we did this A's significant other was at a bachelor party...with a stripper...who apparently didn't need hands to pick things up...even say a lollipop...from the floor

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