So I know I have great friends and all, but sometimes I feel like I don't contribute enough. Take today for example. A friend's husband volunteered to prune my out of control maytan tree. Then, we ended up calling another friend over...mainly cuz I suck at pruning and I would end up chopping off a lot and having a lopsided tree. So by the end of the day I had 2 families over helping with this damn tree. The two men, with a little help from the rest of us (kids included), loaded up the back of a pickup. It was then taken away to a huge burn pile on a farm.

Now, when I stop and think about how 2 families gave up their day and came over, I actually well up. I know, I'm such a sap. But I feel like I always need help...and I hate that. I know I need help, but I feel like I'm not contributing enough. I hate relying on others and always needing help. I know part of this is coming from residual "I'm not worthy" crap.

I don't mind being on my own, but I do mind having to ask for so much help. I guess this is part of my journey and a lesson I must learn...It's okay.
Obnoxiously out of control maytan tree...Yea, that's the farmer who agreed to climb it and cut the shit out of it.

And after we all had our 2 cents as to which branches should be lopped off!

2/13/2011 02:16:49 pm

Good people give of themselves all the time and it's amazingly just in their nature. I know how you feel... The answer is to simply "pay it forward" the best you can.

2/17/2011 04:49:13 am

some say good fences make good neighbors, i think that's crap. some people are just plain good, your it seems won the neighbor lottery.


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