Okay, so I had to run to the grocery store today. And yes, it's a madhouse on Superbowl Sunday. So as I am exiting the store I see a former parent approaching. My first thought, "Fuck!" My second thought, "Suck it up and say hi." So, I do. I smile, look at her and say, "Hi". I know, some of you are thinking, "Why bother if you know she doesn't like you?" Well, this is a small town and I'm trying to do the mature thing here. You see in town there are 2 options at the grocery store when you see someone you know and don't want to talk. Option 1: go in another direction. Option 2: say hello and be on your way. As option 1 wasn't a choice because of location I was left with option 2. So what does crazy lady do? Marches past me LOUDLY declaring, "I don't like you!" I continued walking and burst out laughing. I mean who acts like that besides a 5 year old? Very happy the child and family have moved to another site. Although without crazy people, we wouldn't have stories like this to tell.

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