Well, I have been told that I have a few followers...woo hoo! Makes me feel like a real writer, so thanks everyone. And apparently there is a new potential follower...my ex's girlfriend. So to her I say, "Hello!" And just for the record, I do mean it in the most sincere way. I am looking forward to meeting her someday and possibly even being friends. She makes him happy, and he certainly deserves to be happy. 

I know a few weeks ago I freaked out over the whole divorce process in California, leading some of you to possibly wonder if I am officially divorced or not: I am not. I call him -- hmm, he needs a name so let's call him PT -- my ex because we have both moved on and it's just the damn paperwork that needs to happen. We have had many heart to heart discussions and I truly feel that we both have learned so much from our time together. 

So one of the things that he has learned, or is at least open to, are new 'things'. Now during our time together -- especially after the house was purchased -- I pushed to get new furniture. You know, the whole new home = new stuff = new beginning. He fought me the whole way -- which was completely frustrating especially given the condition of the old couch. This couch had lived in 2 states, 3 counties and is working towards it's 5th decade! Yes, it WAS time for a new couch...arguably even before it came into my possession. It was my grandmother's. It's not like it was some precious antique, it is just one scary hot mess! Pictures are below. So one of the things that he has 'learned' is that getting some new furniture can be a good thing. Of course hearing him say this made me a little irritated. I mean, haven't I been saying this for years? It wasn't until the new girlfriend urged him to get new stuff for his place that it really sunk in. And this isn't the first time she has said something -- that I said for years on end -- and he listens...to HER!! I sometimes think, "Why wasn't I worth listening to?" PT and I have since talked about it -- one of our heart to hearts. Since it was his reasoning and rationale, I don't feel it is my place to explain his side.
You will notice that it is not only missing half of the fabric -- no clue as to where it went; I think the couch started eating itself -- but it is also brown corduroy. Yup stylish fun!!

Since the old, scary couch was in such bad shape, I bought a slip cover. Yes, I still have the damn couch. Anyone want it? It's FREE! Yup, slip cover is included...Come on, you know you want it.

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