Today I took the class to Denny's. It was an extension for a story that we read. It was a short 20 minute walk there. Along the way we passed the town's cemetery. The kids weren't freaked out or anything. This is on the main drag, ya know right by the only stop light on town. So they are used to it. As we passed, V announces to the class, "When some people die, they get a house. Isn't that right Ms. N?" Yeah, the town's cemetery has mausoleums.

The lunch experience went well for all. On the way back one girl, A, asked if she could write about it in her journal when we got back to class. I don't think she has ever been to Denny's. Not sure if she's ever been to a restaurant. We were also fortunate to have 3 moms join us there and one mom meet us on the way back -- to walk back to school with us.

5 more days!!!!!!!!!

5/29/2011 01:05:29 pm

I find it ironic that you passed a cemetery and the kids acknowledged it, as you were making your way to Denny's. If memory serves, Denny's was the venue post funeral for CarolAnn.

5/29/2011 01:52:11 pm

LOL Good memory Kelley!


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