Or not.

So to get the party started we were given pens with these 'cute' little pen toppers. Yes, folks that is a purple penis. The penis was for dipping purposes you see. We were then given an index card to write some answers on. Shit I hate 'Ice Breaker' Games. Fuck, I hate party games in general. And shit, this one said a lot about me...maybe.So here are the questions with my answers...
1. Your Name: Lisa
2. How you met the hostess(es): via school
3. Name a celebrity: Chelsey Handler...Yeah, this is the one that got me in trouble!
4. Name a female body part: Perky boobies What? Like it's a crime to be proud of mine?
5. Name a male body part: Tip o' penis Yeah, back on track with this one...or not!
6. Your favorite expression: FUCK! To be honest I had so many floating in my head a friend had to shout one out for me. It seemed right.

This is where I possibly became a lesbian...Of course there was some damn story that went with it. Sort of like adult Mad Libs. Here is the story...
Your name is Lisa and you met DD and #4 via school. We are going on a cruise. You are going to bring Chelsey Handler (yes, I know not too bad yet, just hang on). When you put your perky boobies on her tip o' penis (here is where I not only turned into a lesbian, but poor Chelsey Handler has strapped on some Pure Romance product. Hope she's okay with that). She said, "FUCK".
And that is why I may actually be a lesbian.

Here's an 'artsy' pic of a penis...Andy Warhol would be proud (or really turned on)!


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