I actually had a friend contact me about the 'Anti-Monkey Butt' product. He not only bought some, but he admits to using it!! Some silly nonsense about bikes and chaffing. All I know is that it was waaaay more information than I ever wanted to know. So there you have it folks, there are people who buy and use 'Anti-Monkey Butt' and are brave enough to admit it all!

Today's trip to the grocery store was the BEST! I mean the bill could have been a little lower, but overall...Super Fab!! The cashier carded me!! The older I get the more giddy I become when I am carded. She actually went on to say that I didn't have any signs of being very old. Woo Hoo!!! 
4/13/2011 05:09:37 pm

If you wish to be the best man, you must suffer the bitterest of the bitter.


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