Whew, what a productive day. It all started with a trip to the gym. Almost passed out. Something about me and mornings...I'm not a morning person and I'm certainly NOT a morning workout person! It was a step class. One that I had taken a million times before. The only difference is that this was in the a.m. Okay, so some might say that 10 a.m. isn't that early...tell my body that!! And yes, I had a good breakfast.

Seeing as I hadn't died, I decided to go over to the district office and speak with the business person about my summer pay. So to catch you all up to speed, 3 years ago I went from year round schooling with a pay schedule to match to a traditional school year. The compassionate people involved (on both the district side and teacher side) made an agreement to continue said pay schedule until my employment with the district commences. Fast forward three years...new administrators who see things a bit differently (Wow, that was putting it nicely). So they want to shift my pay schedule. From an outsider's perspective it doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but it leaves me minus pay for two months until the new schedule kicks in. Anyway, Cindy -- at the D.O. business office -- was helpful.

Then I went to Lynn's Too! While it is a gas station/convenience store; it is also the proud owner of a moving van. The owners are very generous and lend out the van (free of charge; all they ask is you buy gas  from them). And since I worked with Melanie before she happily retired, I borrow it from time to time. This Saturday, Pete and I have made plans to make an Ikea run. I LOVE Ikea. We are buying things, for our respective homes, that are too big to fit in his car. We went a few months ago and it was a BIG hit.

Then I came home and did a little yardwork, looked at Ikea online (I'm getting things that aren't always in stock) to prepare, exercised on the Wii and went back to the gym.

After the second trip to the gym, Samson and I went for a nice walk. Encountered several stray dogs -- 2 which ran our from a house with the owner not far behind apologizing -- and children. Samson doesn't like either. I allowed the kids to pet him. He hated it! He must have been tormented by children at some point in his life. All the kids were gentle. It's important for his socialization to be a bit more confident and less skiddish.

After that, a nice dinner. Now we are relaxing...okay, I'm relaxing and he's chasing his squeaky tennis ball.
6/16/2010 04:03:30 pm

Am I still your editor?


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