So yesterday, PT was over and the doorbell rings. He was so kind as to answer it. It was some young kid (okay late teens or so) asking if I wanted a free paper -- one of the local ones. I politely said, "No thanks." He then launches into some speech about raising money to go to West Point -- if he knew me, he would have skipped me. Anyway, he proceeds to ask if I want to purchase a subscription. Now really? Now really, if I wasn't interested in his free trial, what made him think that I was even remotely interested in paying for a subscription? And I asked him as much, in pretty much those words. His response: I'm just talking to you ma'am. 

Ma'am??? I hate that word! It should be stricken from the English Language! I know it is supposed to be a sign of politeness or respect, but I have yet to meet a woman who gets a thrill out of being called ma'am! So if everyone could please stop using the damn word, we women would be much happier. Thank you

Finally, I have decided to cancel my 'Agreement' with latest 'pyramid' company that I talked about the other day. Now don't get me wrong the products work well enough, I just found that many of the products have ingredients that are not to my liking. Some of the food/drinks contained sucralose -- evil shit. The deodorant contained aluminum -- more evil shit -- which causes the yellow armpit stains on your white shirts and stops you from sweating. I've got news for you people, sweat is your body's NATURAL way of helping to regulate your body temp. You may look nice while not sweating, but by no means is it normal! And many of the laundry products contained 'fragrance' which I could NOT stand the smell of. This is not to say that the products are not good, in fact they are better than many of the things you find on the store shelves. I'm just saying it's not for me. I have found many other eco-friendly products that work well for me -- and they are cheaper. For example, putting a splash of vinegar in your laundry is not only a fabric softener, but it will kill germs -- including the stinky ones on your towels. I have found that salt, vinegar, baking soda, lemon, and water -- not all mixed together of course -- will clean and disinfect most surfaces in the home quite well. Oh, and they will also get rid of odors. Remember...a clean home really doesn't smell like anything!

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