I am amazed at the size of Samson's bladder. For a 10 pound dog with 4 inch legs, he has great bladder control and capacity. Almost every day we go for a nice walk around the hood, and inevitably on this walk he has to do some business. Usually it is of the liquid type, but occasionally it is the solid type. No fear friends and neighbors, I always have my trusty plastic baggie with me. When it comes to the liquid type, I am in constant awe. First off, he likes to brag by going on the sidewalk instead of grass. At first I was confused by this. I mean, at home he frolics and does his 'thing' on the grass. But now I'm on to the boy! He leaves a puddle, no. lake, the size of which an animal several times his size would normally leave. I am still trying to figure out where he keeps it all.

I had a brief thought that I should also write about dating after being attached for so many years. Then....I remembered that A) I'm not dating, B) I live in the middle of nowhere where dating is virtually unheard of, and C) I don't know what the hell I'm doing! So instead you will be subjected to every humiliating flirting -- cuz like I said, I don't know what the hell I'm doing -- experience I have. Now to figure out where, how and with whom to experiment on!

While I am trying to figure out the whole flirting/dating thing, I like to spend some quality time with Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. I am currently using school computer that I borrowed so that I could become more proficient with certain programs that we use. So far my proficiency level is a high of 164,000 on Bejeweled Blitz! Not sure how that's going to help 3rd graders in my class next year, but hey at least I'm entertained. I like to play the game with the sound on, mainly because I like the sound it makes when I blow something up. The problem comes when I start doing really well and the game starts talking to me. It says encouraging things like, "Good", "Excellent" and the like. When that happens I get panicky. It thinks I'm doing, "Great" and I want to continue doing great and pleasing the voice. Then I think to myself, "Okay, you gotta keep going." Then inevitably, I mess up and the whole thing slows down. I have also noticed that the voice sounds an awful lot like Mr. Burns from The Simpsons. So now there is the added pressure that at any moment the voice will say, "Smithers, release the hounds," if I do poorly. I know I could avoid all this anxiety if I just shut off the sound, but then...I wouldn't hear the explosions, and I really like the bang it makes!

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