Ah, working with 3rd graders can be rewarding and frustrating all within about 10 seconds. Here is a glimpse into my day... Oh wait, let's set up the scene for you.
Yesterday a student (named R) didn't finish an assignment. So I gave R the choice do it at recess or do it at home. Okay R chooses to do it at home -- I know big surprise from an 8 year old. So this morning I asked R if the paper was completed. Ah, there it was the blank stare. You know, the one where someone looks at you -- specifically a child -- like you just asked them if they sucked on their toes. I then tell R that there is no choice and it must be completed at recess. Now fast forward to recess...

Me: R where is Pg. 13?

R: (blank stare, this time as if I asked if R read War and Peace)

Me: You know the one that you were supposed to do last night at home. You showed it to me this morning.

R:  (blank stare -- okay, now this is getting old)

Me: (getting out another student's paper) It looks like this.

R: (looks in Practice Book)

Me: No, you tore it out yesterday. Look in your Classwork Folder. (not there) Okay, look in your Homework Folder (not there either)
(inside my head -- seriously, what the hell did this kid do with the paper? Oh, fuck it, the kid has no idea what paper I'm talking about, like R has any idea what happened to it? How does R survive on a daily basis????)

R: (looking at me like I'm cracked and completely dumbfounded)

Me: Come with me, I'll make a copy for you to do.

Wait, now that I think about it, I don't think R ever turned in that damn paper. Fuck! I wasted half my recess for nothing. Ugh!!!

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