So according to some today the world will end, the second coming is here, the dead will rise, people will float... I have a few questions about this...
A) If I am called upon will I get an invitation? Or will I just start floating?
B) When the dead rise, will I see their spirit or will it be more like zombies walking down the street? (Personally, I'm hoping for the zombies -- non-murdering of course -- It'll make for a better story).
C) As a friend brought up...6:00 in what time zone? Jerusalem time? Eastern? Does daylight savings come into play?
D) What happens to the poor shlubbs left on the ground? Do they get swallowed up? Do they have to go to work on Monday? If they payroll department floats away, who will pay them?
E) What happens to the animals? Do they stay or go?

I can honestly say, I feel inadequately prepared for all this...not that I would actually prepare if I knew the answers. I'm pretty sure that I won't be called upon. First of all, you have to be a Christian...of which I no longer am. And no matter what other criteria there is, I have been knocked out on the first one. So, if you get to read this before you float away, have a great one! If you are left behind...I'll see ya around!

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