So I am not sure what's going on this week. Normally, I get along really well with parents. Okay, there are the occasional instances -- like last Sunday -- when I really don't get along with a parent. So to have an additional 2 parents -- that I know of -- be annoyed with me I am only left with one explanation...something in the universe is misaligned! Earlier this week I had a parent annoyed with me (although it was really more with the kid than me) that I didn't share with them that we were doing multiple paragraph essays. I didn't really tell the parents because we did them in class. It took us 2 weeks to do a graphic organizer -- fancy teacher word for a paper with boxes on it to help students organize thoughts. Then they were to transfer the sentences from that and put them into the paragraphs. It was totally easy! No need to tell parents ahead of time, just let them sit back and be amazed at what their kid can do at the end. Ugh, nope not this time around.

Then....there was today. I now know how Mrs. Obama feels. I had a conversation with a kid yesterday. He informed me that he hurt his leg and wouldn't be able to run the mile this week -- never mind the fact that there has been no limping and playing at recess was unhindered. As per my usual response I asked if he had a doctor's note...of course not. So not content with my answer the kid told his dad what happened. Ah, now dad is annoyed with me-- boy being a teacher is fun! He says that he hurt his leg, but he's not taking him to the doctor's. So in my mind I'm thinking, "Then it must not be that bad and he can run." However, to the parent I say, "Okay." And fast forward to today at PE time...The kid doesn't run, the rest of us do -- yup, me too. Fast forward to after school.

Dad: You have a problem with him? (pointing to son who is 15 feet away)
Me: Huh? (completely puzzled at what the hell he's talking about)
Dad: You have a problem with him? (pointing to son who is still 15 feet away)
Me: No
Dad: He said you made him cry
Me: I didn't see him cry (to myself: fuck Lisa shut up!)
Dad: You asked for a note, we talked yesterday that he hurt his leg.
Me: Right, he didn't run.
Dad: Why did you ask for a note?
Me: I didn't because we spoke yesterday.
Me: (to child) Did I make you run today?
Child: No, but you said that you wanted a note.
Me: No, we talked yesterday. You didn't run today.
Me: (to dad) he had no problems playing at recess (Seriously, when will I learn to shut my mouth? But honestly, parents need to see the whole thing before defending their child)
Dad: Well, it might be better today, but we talked and he wasn't going to run. Why does he say that you needed a note?
Me: It must have been some sort of miscommunication. I'm sorry.

Please note that at no time did the dad ask the child to come and speak with us to share his side of the story. Nor did the dad get after the kid for saying that I wanted a note today, when in fact I NEVER ASKED FOR A FUCKING NOTE!

Seriously, running 4 laps around a field in 30 minutes isn't killing anyone! Oh, and this is the same kid that got his foot caught under the fence TWICE at the beginning of the year. He's not the biggest fan of running and often doubt his multiple complaints!!

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